There are too many kids who don’t have a good childhood, and some are even abused. A narcissistic mother can be a big reason for this.If I had to pick one thing I would not want for the world, it would be this. Every child would be able to grow up in a safe, loving, and helpful place.
From my point of view, this would improve the world and fix 99.9% of its problems.
Growing up in a risky area can be very traumatic for a child. This can lead to a lot of problems as an adult, such as depression, anxiety, and burnout.
As a way to make you feel less alone in your feelings, I put together the best collection of toxic narcissistic mother quotes.
What Is A Toxic Narcissist mother?
A narcissistic mother is a mother who has been identified with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or shares narcissistic personality traits with her children. Narcissistic moms often act in ways that show they need to be admired all the time, don’t care about other people, and have a strong sense of how important they are.
Common traits of Toxic narcissistic mothers

A narcissist is someone who always wants praise, thinks they are better than others, and doesn’t care about other people.
Many narcissists are too proud of what they’ve done and how smart they are. They are also obsessed with getting more power, success, or praise from other people.These are some of the main traits of a toxic narcissistic mother:
- They talk about themselves too much and focus too much on themselves. Not knowing or caring about how other people feel.
- Think they’re better than others and expect to be handled differently.
- Always wants praise, respect, and approval.
- People who hurt other people to get what they want.
- Pride, thinking they’re better than other people, and feeling like they are.
- Being very angry and envious of other people.
- They did what they did because they didn’t want to be held responsible for it.
- Breaking rules and not thinking about what other people think are their personal limits.
- Use of dishonest words to control and trick other people.
Why Should You Read Toxic Narcissistic Mother Quotes?
It’s normal to feel alone as a child, but it can be even worse if someone hurts you at home. Many abused people don’t talk about it, and some kids don’t understand how bad their childhood was until they’re adults.
Toxic narcissistic mother quotes can make you feel better and show you’re not the only one who has been through this.
Narcissistic Mother Quotes

- “Most narcissistic mothers feel like being a mom is an effort and like to brag about how much work it is.” — Amy Piper
- “A narcissistic mother’s tricks and attempts to illuminate her children can make it hard for them to believe what they see and hear.” — unknown
- “Children of narcissistic mothers often feel ashamed and embarrassed, which makes it hard for them to set healthy limits.” G. Gibson Is Lindsay C.
- “A mother who is narcissistic doesn’t see her child as an autonomous individual, but as an extension of herself.” The name is Karyl McBride.
- “A narcissistic mother will talk about anything about you for hours on end, but she leaves her own life very private.” She’s going to lie about you, but you’ll be punished for telling them what she did. … Gail Meyers
- “It can be hard for her kids to feel safe and stable when their parents are narcissistic and don’t show stability or stability.” — unknown
- “A narcissistic mother will blame other people for her issues and rarely say sorry or take responsibility for her own actions.” —unknown
- “Mothers who are narcissistic will often put their own needs and desires ahead of those of the kids, even when it comes to basic things like food and shelter.” — unknown
- “You are not accountable for your mom’s happiness.” “It’s never been.” – unknown
- “Narcissists make it seem like they are the victim or completely innocent in every way.” They’ll get mad when they hear the truth. But things that are done in the dark will be seen. People take time to show what they’re really like. — Kiera Grimes
- “Narcissistic moms frequently take advantage of the weak spots in their kids to control and trick them.” — unknown
- “Mothers who are egotistical will often use their kids to meet their own emotional needs instead of giving them the help they need.” —unknown
- “One way to describe narcissist is that a child of a narcissistic parent doesn’t see himself in the mother’s face or in her happiness; rather the child of the narcissistic parent thinks, ‘What can I do to make her happen?'” — Shirley Clarke
Narcissistic Mom Quotes

- “Mothers who are narcissistic will often use their kids to show others that they are the best by competing with them.” — unknown
- “Narcissistic parents trust their kids to be loyal and devoted, even if it means putting their kids’ needs and wants last.” – JL Hall
- “It can be hard to establish a healthy sense of self when your mother is narcissistic because she is always telling you what you should be.” — unknown
- People who are selfish don’t care about how their kids feel. It doesn’t matter what they think. – Saeed Kim
- “A toxic narcissistic mother can leave deep scars that affect every aspect of a person’s life, even if they can’t be seen.” — unknown
- Narcissistic moms often control their kids with gifts and money instead of caring and helping them. — unknown
- “You have to walk away sometimes.” Don’t stay close to bad family members; they will hurt you more than help. And start making a new idea of a healthy family in your mind, far away from the unhealthy family members. — unknown
- When you try to talk to a selfish parent about their behavior, they will usually get angry. Daisy Macey here.
- “If you grew up with a narcissistic mother, you may have suffered from abuse and shame for things you never did for the rest of your life.” You feel bad shame when someone tells you that you are not good enough. You may feel like you’re not liked or good enough. – Dana Arcuri
Toxic Mom Quotes
- “All you rude and toxic mother out there should know that your bad behavior will come back haunting you when your kids are grown up.” — Samuel Zulu

- “This kind of mother talks a lot but never listens, and she gives counsel but never takes it.” That was Miss Sherrie Campbell.
- “I’m going to tell my mother the truth, which is something she never did for me.” …Rayne Wolfe
- Your mom is an adult now, and she has to make her own choices, just like you do. You didn’t raise her, so it’s not your fault that she’s bad. — unknown
- “Toxic moms are selfish parents, which is why they are domineering and possessive with their kids in the first place.” — Samuel Zulu
- “A mother who doesn’t love her child takes away their sense about belonging.” People may look for a way to join their whole lives if they want to. It’s Peggy Streep.
- “Toxic mothers care more about appearances instead of love.” — Campbell, Shirley
- “Children love good moms, but they hate toxic moms.” — Samuel Zulu
- “My abusive mother can only scare me if I let her.” I can turn her down, ignore her, or call the cops while she’s trying to pick on the kid because I’m an adult. …Rayne Wolf
- “If someone is toxic and can’t control you, they will try to control how other people see you.” Hearing the lies will make you feel bad, but you stay above them because you think other people will finally see the truth like you did. That is Blakeway Jill.
- “Your toxic parents might be able to charm complete outsiders, your friends, and even family members who live far away.” You look like the bad guy in every way. — unknown
- “Many kids whose parents are abusive have an extremely difficult time figuring out who they are as adults.”— Ira Thorpe
- “A mother who doesn’t love her child takes away their sense of belonging.” People may look for a way to join their whole lives if they want to. — unknown
- “Families are like homes; they are built on trust and affection.” “A bad family can never be a home because there is no foundation.” — unknown
- “Relaxing yourself occurs first when you say “No” to a bad family.” — unknown
Toxic Narcissistic Mother Quotes

- “Your self-centered parent may make you feel bad about oneself, making you think that you’re not good enough, lazy, or successful, among other negative thoughts and feelings.” Nina W. Brown did it.
- “A toxic narcissistic mother will always put the blame on her kid for her own mistakes instead of taking responsibility for them.” — unknown
- “If toxic mothers can’t get the attention they want from their kids, they view them as bothersome issues that get in the way of what they want to do for themselves.” That was Miss Sherrie Campbell.
- “Narcissistic moms frequently blame their kids for their own mistakes and flaws.” — unknown
- “A person who is grandiose puffs up their own skills and achievements, which keeps them from knowing who they really are and makes themselves more likely to cross other people’s boundaries.” Thanks Steven Franssen
- A bad selfish mom is more likely to control her child with money and gifts than to love and help them. — unknown
- “As kids and teens, most kids whose parents are toxic feel extremely perplexed about what love is and how it should feel.”— Dr. Karen Forward
- “Toxic family members will see requests to forgive as chances to take advantage of weak spots.” Don’t give in to their tricks in this way. If it helps you get better, forgive them. But don’t tell anyone else. — unknown
- “Toxic narcissistic moms will do everything to keep up their image, even if it means putting their kids’ health at risk.” — unknown
- “Be ready to deal with a toxic narcissist’s low self-esteem; that they will put you down and pick on you as often as they can.” — unknown
- “Toxic narcissistic moms keep their kids away from other people, which makes it tricky for them to make healthy connections.” — unknown
- “Regardless of what you do, having a toxic narcissistic mother can make you feel like you are never enough.” — unknown
- “A narcissistic mother who is toxic will often use her kids to show how successful she is instead of appreciating them for who they are.” — unknown
- “Having a toxic narcissistic mother as a child can make you feel like you have to walk on eggshells all the time because you never know when she will lose it.” — unknown
- Toxic narcissists cling to loving and kind people as soon as they can. — unknown
- It’s not fair for kids to have to take care of their family. They could always count on you, even when they were bad.— Saeed Kim
Narcissist Mother Quotes

- “Having a narcissistic mother as a child can make you think you’re never good enough, no matter what.” – Sharifa Arabi
- Nasty people like to feed off of good people. — unknown
- “The narcissistic mother won’t let her play games if she is sad, so let her.” Don’t give in if she wants to get you to do something by making you feel bad about it. — Rug made by Bailey Cynthia
- “Do not let a bad person put you down for the rest of your daily existence, whether it’s a parent, sibling, friend, or family member.” — unknown
- “But that’s how narcissists act. They will do anything to trick you, but in the end it will only make them look bad. – Ellie Fox
- “You are not responsible for your mom’s happiness.” It hasn’t been before.” — unknown
- “A narcissist will purposely bring up things that will render you angry over and over again.” — unknown
- “Your narcissist will slowly break down your sense of dignity until you have no idea who you are or what they have done to you.” — unknown
- Narcissistic parents don’t care about how their kids feel at all. It doesn’t matter what they think. — unknown
- “A narcissistic mother’s moods and actions can change at any moment, which can cause her children a lot of stress and anxiety.” — unknown
- Bad people don’t learn from their mistakes because they never admit they were wrong. – John Paul Kluger
- “A narcissistic mother loves being in charge of her child far more than she loves them.” — unknown
- “A mother who is a narcissist can hurt her children’s self-esteem gradually by always being negative and critical.” — unknown
Quotes About Narcissistic Mothers

- Parents don’t say sorry when they don’t work together. All children of narcissists would agree on this right away. No matter how much they lie or try to explain what they did, they will never own up to it. Lisa Macey
- “Not talking to your parents can be the best way to stay safe from abusive parents.” – unknown
- “To avoid more emotional damage, parents who are narcissistic are sometimes also better loved from afar.”
- “Be careful when you’re with narcissists. Everyone will think you’re crazy, but they’re just lying to cover their tracks. Thanks For Mitta Xinindlu
- “All a narcissist seeks is admiration and respect, but they don’t try to give it back.”
- “The truth is that the narcissistic parent is less happy when you’re strong and happy because they cannot regulate you or shame you as much when you are okay.” Lisa Macey
- “Narcissist is a nicer term for a selfish, manipulative, evil jerk with no soul or compassion.”
- “A parent who is narcissistic will make their kids angry to feel better about themselves and show how flawed the child is.” Thanks Hey Thomas Shannon
- “Mothers who are narcissistic often use their kids as mental punching bags, taking out their anger on them.”
- “A lot of parents would be with jail for a long time if mental abuse was a crime.”
- “No matter what, most kids prefer to hang on to their fantasy of a loving relationship to their fathers and moms rather than face the truth.” – not sure
- “An adult child might recall the hurtful things an arrogant parent said to them long after the adult has left home.”— Bill Thomas
- “Moms who are narcissistic frequently capitalize on their kids’ successes to boost their own status and reputation.”
- “Parents who are narcissists don’t know their children because they only care about what makes them feel good.” This is Tina Fuller.
Selfish Toxic Mother Quotes

- “Parents who are narcissistic see their kids as things to be ruled instead of people with their own opinions and feelings.” – Durvasula Ramani
- “Toxic mothers give this kind of toxic, manipulative affection that is possessive and controlling and never lets you be yourself or show who you really are.” — unknown
- When you lose parents who were mean to you, you miss more than just the abuse. You miss all the things you didn’t have.- Lily Hope Lucario
- Tell your bad mom that there is a big difference between real love and power or abuse that looks like love. Love that is real doesn’t hurt or harm. — unknown
- “Narcissists make it seem like they are the victim or completely innocent in every way.” They’ll get mad when they hear the truth. But things that are done in the dark will be seen. The real colors of people often show up over time. — Kiera Grimes
- Parents who are bad for you care more about how you look than how you feel. — unknown
- “Kids whose parents are selfish and needy are not at fault for anything.” They had bad things happen to them and were told that their only job was to make their dad happy. It turns out that this job is not good for a parent who is self-centered or selfish.— Glynis Sherood
- “You are unable to alter the way your toxic parents act, but you can choose how to react to them.” —unknown
- “Toxic moms often leave their kids and make up silly excuses as to why they can’t be there for them.” — unknown
- “Someday, selfish parents may understand the damage that they have caused that can’t be fixed.” — unknown
- “Toxic moms are more dangerous than absent dads since their poisonous energy spreads and hurts your soul.” — unknown
- “The poison that comes from them is often caused by their personal unmet needs and insecurities, that they project onto their children to feel better.” — unknown
- “Parenting selfishly shows that you haven’t learned from your mistakes.” — unknown
Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Quotes

- “For some reason, I felt like it was my duty to try assist her since she had given birth to me.” This is D.G. Kaye
- “Abuse and neglect are okay in families with problems.” Talking about them is against the rules. — unknown
- “We forget in order to get through childhood when we depend upon our parents’ kindness, but to get over those youths, we have to first recall the good and the bad.” The Vicky Secunda
- “There is a massive, painful hole in my soul where parents who love me and a normal, safe youth should have been.”- Lily Hope Lucario
- “Both boys and girls whose mothers are narcissists have to contend with a lack of maternal attention that they didn’t get as kids.” … Mark Bans Girl
- “Narcissists teach their kids that love is abuse.” If they disagree with someone, this person tells them it’s okay to hurt them and call it love. … J. Wakefield
- “A child’s neck wasn’t designed to carry the weight of their parents’ decisions.”— Joe Mack
- “Sometimes I felt like a trophy when I was with my mom.” Something to brag about to your friends. As long as no one was around, I was left on the shelf and forgotten. — Joan Frances
- “Don’t let blood hold you down; family is where you should be most free.” – Michelle Meleen
- “Narcissists teach their children that love is abuse.” The individual tells them it’s okay to hurt someone and call it love if that person makes them sad. — unknown
- Too focused on themselves parents rarely show or feel emotions, just fear and anger most of the time. They say things to show how they feel, but the words don’t mean anything. Nina W. Brown did it.
- “A narcissist parent gets angry quickly when their child is happy and self-sufficient and they can’t control them by controlling their emotions.” – John Thomas Shannon
- “You don’t have to suffer through the bad things that happened to you as a child again.” You should push yourself to be a better parent by remembering how much your mother hurt you. Due to Barrie Davenport
- “Toxic moms make their girls feel guilty, inadequate, and unworthy for what they do. When the girls start dating, these feelings come out, which can make them needy or even harmful, just like their moms. — unknown
- “Some of your inflated expectations for yourself come from having heard from your self-centered adult that you were supposed to take care of them.” Nina W. Brown did it.
- “Narcissistic parents often turn their kids against their siblings so they can get the affection and affection they’ve always wanted but never got.” — unknown
- “You don’t have to leave your whole family behind; simply the ones who don’t belong in your future.”
Bonus Narcissistic Mother Quotes

- Children of narcissistic moms often feel like they have to be careful what they say or do because they don’t know what will make their mother angry or cold.
- “Narcissistic moms are master manipulators who can turn any situation around to make their kids look like the bad guys and themselves like the victims.”
- “Having a narcissistic mother as a child is like living in a war zone; you never feel safe or secure.”
- “To keep control, narcissistic moms often set their kids up against each other, which is called triangulation.”
- “The mother is narcissistic and sees her kids as pieces in her game instead of people with their own wants and needs.”
- “Being raised to be like their mother, daughters of narcissistic mothers often have trouble figuring out who they are.”
- It is said that narcissistic moms feed off of their children’s pain and struggles.
- Because they were raised by narcissistic moms, sons often become narcissists or codependent enablers because they think this is “normal” love.
- “Narcissistic mothers can’t look at themselves or admit when they’re wrong.” In their eyes, they’re always the ones who did wrong.
- “The love of a narcissistic mother is like a spider’s web—it draws you in but ends up trapping you.”
- “Children of narcissistic mothers often feel very ashamed because they think they are fundamentally flawed and not worthy of love.”
- “Narcissistic moms use their kids to feed their own egos,”
- “Having a narcissistic mother as a child is like being in a cult of one, where following the rules is expected and being unique is frowned upon.”
- “The narcissistic mother’s main goal is not to raise healthy, happy kids, but to make them look like her.”
- “Narcissistic moms are emotional predators who teach their kids to be victims for life.”
- “A narcissistic mother leaves behind a lifetime of self-doubt, self-blame, and a strong desire for real motherly love.”
- “Moms who are narcissistic don’t have kids; they take hostages.”
- “The love of a narcissistic mother is poison that slowly takes away her children’s sense of self-worth and independence.”
- “No matter how much they do or how hard they try, kids whose moms are narcissists often feel like they’re never good enough.”
- “Narcissistic moms are experts at gaslighting their kids, making them doubt what they think and remember.”
- “The narcissistic mother’s love is always about her own needs.” When it comes to love, she only lends it to you with high interest.
- “Narcissistic moms see their kids as extensions of themselves, not as separate people with their own wants, needs, and thoughts.”
- “A narcissistic mother’s love is like a hall of mirrors; it only shows what she wants and expects.”
- “Children of narcissistic mothers often feel guilty all the time because they think they are responsible for their mother’s happiness and health.”
- “Moms who are narcissistic can change from loving to mean in an instant.”
- “Being away from her kids is the best gift a narcissistic mother can give them.”
Toxic Narcissistic Mother Quotes Benefits:
There are a number of reasons why reading toxic narcissistic mother quotes can be helpful:

Giving and receiving validation
If your mother was a toxic narcissist, reading stories about how she behaved and what she did can help you feel better. It shows you that your issues are normal and that other people have had the same ones.
Getting it and Being Clear
Some quotes can help you understand what toxic narcissistic moms do and how they act. If you read these words, they might help you see the bigger picture, which might help you make sense of your own thoughts and feelings.
Mental Health Recovery
Reading about bad selfish moms can help you get over your feelings. Recognizing and dealing with the hurt, anger, and confusion that the link may have caused is easier. Doing that could help you let go of feelings that have been building up.
Reflecting on yourself and growing as a person
Thoughts and quotes can help you understand yourself better. In light of your bad relationship with your mother, they want you to think about how you feel, what you do, and what you think. It can help you become a better person, understand yourself better, and discover better ways to handle issues.
Limiting things and keeping yourself safe
Narcissistic mom quotes can help you set boundaries and put your health first. They tell you to stay away from bad people and make your relationships and surroundings better.
Strategies for dealing with a toxic narcissistic mother
Dealing with a toxic narcissistic mother can be emotionally challenging. Here are some effective strategies to help you navigate this difficult relationship:

- Set Boundaries: Establish and enforce clear boundaries to protect your well-being. Clearly communicate your limits and what behavior you will not tolerate.
- Practice Self-Care: Prioritize your own well-being by engaging in activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, mindfulness, hobbies, and spending time with supportive friends or family.
- Maintain Perspective: Remember that your mother’s actions are a reflection of her issues and limitations, not your worth as a person. Try to detach emotionally from her behavior.
- Validate Your Feelings: Acknowledge and validate your own feelings, whether they are anger, hurt, frustration, or sadness. It’s important to recognize and process your emotions.
- Limit Exposure: If possible, limit your exposure to toxic interactions with your mother. This could involve reducing the frequency or duration of contact with her.
- Practice Detachment: Emotionally detach yourself from your mother’s manipulative behaviors and criticisms. Focus on building a strong sense of self and self-worth.
Final Thoughts On Toxic Narcissistic Mother Quotes……
By engaging with these toxic narcissistic mother quotes,you can find comfort, insight, empowerment, and a sense of connection with others if you have faced similar challenges.
These toxic narcissistic mother Quotes serve as tools for healing, growth, and self-discovery in the context of complex family dynamics.
You can’t change the past, but you can move on with your life and stay away from narcissistic abuse right now.
If you set clear limits, stay away from them, and heal from your trauma, your whole life can change.Take care of yourself.
FAQs on Narcissistic Mother quotes
Q.What to say to a narcissistic mother?
A. When communicating with a narcissistic mother, set clear boundaries, use “I” statements, stay calm, limit personal information sharing, practice active listening, choose your battles wisely, seek support, focus on self-care, and understand your limits for your emotional well-being.
Q.What are some common themes in narcissistic mothers quotes?
A.Some typical themes are putting down:
- Criticizing, and shaming the child.
- Not caring about how the child feels
- Selfishness and putting the wants of the mother first
- Seeing the child not as a separate person but as an extension of herself
- control and management of emotions
Q.Can Narcissistic mother quotes help with healing?
A.Yes, by giving people who share their stories a sense of belonging and confirming that their experiences are real.
Q.What kind of hurtful things do narcissistic mothers say to their children?
A.Saying things like ….
- You never do anything right” are upsetting.
- There is no love for you.
- Are you sure you want to eat all of that?
- “Living in the real world is not for you.”
- “I wish I had a loyal child.”
Q.Where can I find more Narcissistic mother quotes?
A.Articles, books, and websites about narcissism that you can find online.