It seems like each week goes by more slowly than the last. Even though it’s only Wednesday, have you ever felt like the week went on longer than it did?At times, it can be frustrating to think that it’s already Friday when it’s only Wednesday.
It’s awful to find out that you still have a few more days of a tough or tired week ahead of you.There were weeks at my busy job that went by very slowly and weeks that went by very slowly.That’s why I compiled a list of my favorite Funny Wednesday quotes. They’re funny and will help you get through the rest of the week.
What are funny Wednesday quotes?
The funny Wednesday quotes are meant to inspire and encourage people every Wednesday, which is in the middle of the week. People often call Wednesday “hump day” because it’s the middle of the workweek and the start of the weekend.
The goal of these funny Wednesday quotes is to help you stay focused, take chances, and be kind by giving you ideas, energy, and new ways to look at things. They help you see the good in every day and be there for other people as they go through life. The funny Wednesday quotes are really meant to give you strength and hope to get through the week.
Why Should You Read Funny Wednesday Quotes?
If Wednesday is making you feel down, read some funny Wednesday quotes to remind yourself that you’re not the only one suffering.
The week hasn’t ended yet, even though it’s been two days. Looking at funny Wednesday quotes can help you get through the last few days and make the most of them.
Readers can feel better and laugh by reading funny Wednesday quotes. They can assist you in managing your stress and speed up your progress during the remaining weeks.
Loving and laughing by reading funny Wednesday quotes can help you handle the stress of daily life.
Funny Wednesday Quotes
When the midweek blues try to get the best of us, let’s try something different: laughing. By adding fun to our daily lives, we can turn a boring Wednesday into a playground of happiness.
What’s life without a good laugh or a big smile, especially on a day like today? That’s exactly what funny Wednesday quotes do: they make our tasks seem less heavy.

- “Something is very incorrect when a day you know to be Wednesday starts to sound like Sunday.” The Wyndham John
- Every national holiday should fall on a Wednesday so that we have nine days off. – Carl Reiner
- “The most awful thing about Friday is realizing it’s already Wednesday.” —unknown
- “Wednesday may only wish it were Thursday.” – John T. Hincks
- “I’m not being lazy on Wednesday; simply getting ready to be productive on Thursday and Friday.” — unknown
- “A dry hump day is a Wednesday when it does not rain.” It was Martin Demetri
- When people say “Back in the Day,” it happened on Wednesday. “Here’s something exciting for you.” — Cook, Dane
- “I don’t hate Wednesdays, however they’re not my spirit animal for sure.” — unknown
- “They wanted Wednesday, rather than good.” – Robert A. Heinlein, author
- If Wednesday was given a sign, it would be a lazy one. — unknown
Wednesday Quotes Funny
- “Help!” How do you write that word Wednesday?” Hey, this is Blake Shelton.
- “Always keep a bottle of wine in the fridge for those days of significance, like Wednesday.” — unknown

- Wednesday feels like Monday in the latter part of the week! – Lee Williams Fox
- “Wednesday: it’s nearly kind of, close to, just about almost the weekend.” — unknown
- “To be honest, I’d rather remain home and drink coffee on my pony than deal with this Wednesday business.” My name is Kevin Eubanks.
- “It’s hump day today…It’s not as happy or sad as Friday or Monday. — unknown
- “Today is the beginning of the week for some.” Thursday is just telling Friday to change places, and Wednesday is getting stomped on. – The Rock
- “It’s Wednesday, but my thoughts are already thinking about the weekend.” — unknown
- “It’s Wednesday, and I’m unsure if I need a hug or a big cup of coffee…or both.” — unknown
- “Wednesdays are the most difficult times to be patient and handle too much caffeine.” — unknown
- “Look forward to Wednesday—it’s the best week to call wearing sweats to work “casual clothing.” — unknown
- “I got up and went to another place on Wednesday.” — unknown
Wednesday Motivational Quotes
There are times when all it takes is a spark to become motivated. On Wednesday, just as the excitement of the beginning of the week starts to wear off and the weekend seems like a long way off, we need a boost of motivation.
Saying the right things at the right time can really help you get things done, whether you’re trying to get through your work, reach those Wednesday goals, or just keep going.To get you going on a Wednesday, here are some inspiring wednesday quotes:

- “Today is Wednesday, a day where we assist other people to enjoy life.” You are the only one who can take responsibility for what you do and give it to other people. A smile not only makes you more useful, it also makes everyone you meet happy. From David Pulsifer
- “Keep your cool, friend! We should be happy because it’s now Wednesday!” — unknown
- “Every Wednesday is like a shot of caffeine to get you going.” — unknown
- “Do not worry. It’s only Wednesday. There are still two days left. — unknown
- “Do not give up!” It’s almost the weekend!” You didn’t think Wednesday was a good day, right? — unknown
- “We can still do anything we place ourselves to on Wednesday, which is the power hour.” — unknown
- Things will go well if you think good thoughts. Have a good Wednesday. Do not give up. Have good thoughts. Have a great morning and take care of yourself. — unknown
- “Wednesday is here to save the day, despite how bad Tuesday was.” — unknown
- “Don’t give up on Wednesday.” Let that be what drives you to keep going with a smile. — unknown
- “Don’t feel low on Wednesday; the long weekend is coming up soon!” — unknown
These Wednesday quotes can serve as a source of motivation and encouragement to help you stay focused and inspired throughout your Wednesday and beyond.
Famous Wednesday Quotes
We can brighten up our afternoon with some wise words from famous people.Chosen by experts, these famous Wednesday quotes will help you get through that tough part of the week and give you extra support when you need it most.

- “Wednesday afternoon will make you or break you.” Either you are going up or you are going down until the end of the work week. This Wednesday, give it everything you’ve got!” — Clare Pulsifer
- On a Wednesday, “a walk in the early morning is a blessing for the whole day.” – Author Henry David Thoreau
- “The best day in Atlantis was Wednesday.” They always had a break in the middle of the week. Everyone quit their jobs and had a party because half the week was over. – Walter Meuer
- “Today is Wednesday, a day to help other people enjoy life.” You are the only one responsible for what you do and give to other people. Not only does one smile make you more valuable, it makes everyone you meet happy. – Blake Pulsifer
- “When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday takes off sounding like Sunday, there is a thing seriously wrong somewhere.” – John Wyndham
- “On Wednesday afternoons I could be virtually anything.” – Kit Williams
- It’s true that “wanting to win is everything,” especially on “hump day.” — Vince Lombardi
- “Elephants love Wednesday, and so will yourselves.” – John T. Hincks
- “On Wednesdays we wear pink.” — Karen Watson (from the movie Mean Girls)
- “Humor is the human greatest blessing.” This Wednesday, give yourself a hit. — Mark Twain
- “It’s not that we never fall; it’s that we get back up every time. Even on Wednesdays.”- Confucius
Funny Quotes About Wednesday
- “Calm down, it’s Wednesday.” — unknown
- On Wednesdays, I’m as happy as a camel. — unknown Before I saw the ad above, it took me way too long to understand this quote the first time I heard it. As the saying goes, “I’d punch Wednesday in the face if it had one…”I’m not really angry, though. — unknown

- “Today is Wednesday. Who needs Prince Charming when you have a coffee and a good attitude?” — unknown
- “Hump day: those who are tough take a nap when things get tough.” — unknown”It’s my job of making sure that people who work hard throughout the week have fun on Saturdays and Wednesdays.” – Arsene Wenger
- “Did you say it was only Wednesday?” “Please give me more coffee.” — unknown
- “When the glass isn’t quite completely full or half empty on Wednesday but you know that it has to be filled up.” — unknown
- “Wednesday: When you realize you’ve worked two days and still possess two more to go.” — unknown
- “Having the day off on Wednesday is like getting a brief holiday in the middle of the workweek.” — unknown
- “Two days of the week get with the middle finger on Wednesday.” — unknown
- “I’m unsure if Wednesday starts or ends the week…”No matter what, it is tiring. — unknown
- “No stress on Wednesday!” You’ll never get anywhere if you worry. — unknown
Happy Wednesday Quotes
Indeed, Wednesdays can feel like a long day, but a little happiness can make the whole day better. Happy Wednesday quotes are like soft pushes that help us feel better. These Wednesday quotes promise to lead you to a safe harbor of happiness, like a lighthouse. A good mood on Wednesday sets the tone for a great week leading up to the weekend.

You can make your day better with these happy Happy Wednesday quotes:
- Have an enjoyable Wednesday! Take pleasure in who you are and what you should do. Be yourself; don’t try to be someone else. Your unique skills will help you succeed at your own level. “Good day.” From Blake Pulsifer
- “Have a great Wednesday!”
- “Happy Wednesday!” Kindness is important. Give life to others. Stop judging people and learn to help them instead. You’ll feel better when you help other people. – Tracy Edmonds
- “Happy Wednesday!” When life gives you lemons, SMILE and rearrange the letters. — unknown
- “Happy Wednesday!” “Let’s take on today like it’s the final pizza slice in the lunchroom.”
- “Happy Wednesday!” The busy day of the week is Wednesday, and the most stressful day is Friday.
- “Today is another day, the sun is shining, and I’m glad to be alive.” “Good morning, Wednesday!”
- “Happy Wednesday!” With a new coffee cup, mind, and heart, today is a great day to start the week.
- “Happy Wednesday!” This is the day’s goal: getting through it without going crazy.
- “Remain powerful, keep going, and drink coffee!” Have a great Wednesday at work, everyone!”
- “Happy Wednesday!” Let’s get things performed like Monday feels like it could!”
These Happy Wednesday quotes are sure to make you feel better and add some joy to your midweek trip.
Wednesday Inspirational Quotes
- “I could be almost anything on Wednesday afternoons.” – K. Williams
- “Morning is still early…”Keep going!” – not heard. “Wednesday will make you or break you.” You will either go up or down until the end of the work week. Give it your all this Wednesday!” — Clare Pulsifer

- “Don’t stress about the fact that it’s Wednesday. Don’t give up! Stay positive and drink coffee!”
- “Weekdays are the quickest method to go from slacker to superstar.” “Let’s do it!” — unknown
- “Today is not just another opportunity to get tasks done; today is the best day to reach your goals.”
- “Why be average when you might turn into a great artist on Wednesday?”
- “Today is all about getting ahead. Leave the past behind you and look ahead.
- “Your worries about Wednesday bother me… “Do not worry, the week is almost over.” — unknown
- “A happy face on a Wednesday means your going to have an enjoyable holiday!”
- “Today is Wednesday, when we crush our goals and forgot about any setbacks.”
- “Well done on a job well done so far this week! It’s Wednesday, so keep going!”
Wednesday Morning Quotes
We should get up on Wednesday morning and enjoy the start of a new day. Now is our chance to make our hopes and dreams come true. We feel stronger in the new light as dawn comes up and coffee starts to brew. Wednesday morning quotes are like sparks that make us more determined and turn our morning routine into a way to start the day off right. Giving yourself a little push in the morning can make the whole day one of success and progress.

- Some parts of me think, “Wow, it’s already Wednesday!” And also “What do you mean, it’s only Wednesday?”
- “Every morning is a new day!” There are new things, sights, goals, and ideas waiting for you…”It’s also Wednesday morning.”
- “Get up and shine, it’s Wednesday!” “Let’s make this day a good boost.”
- “Every morning on Wednesday is like a pick-your-own-adventure book.” Will today be good or bad? You make the choice.”
- “Hi there! You can handle whatever Wednesday throws at you… There’s nothing else you can do!”
- “Get up and cheer today because Wednesday is bound to be great.”
- “Good morning! It’s Wednesday now!” It’s time for coffee, jokes, and maybe even trouble.
- “If you let it, today is going to be a great Wednesday.””Have a nice day, and everything will be fine.” — unknown
- “Good morning, Wednesday! Let’s lie down again and act like it’s Saturday.”
- “Good morning, Wednesday!” Today is the end of the week, and tomorrow is the weekend. — unknown
- “I’d rather have mornings on Wednesday beginning later.”
- It’s “Wake up Wednesday” today. Don’t just get out of bed today. If going for a run in the morning will wake you up, then get up and do it. Rock music will help you get ready for the day. “Get a cup of coffee and get ready to face the day.”
Quotes About Wednesday
- “Sometimes, on Wednesdays when the sky is bright and I have nothing better to do, I wonder if it’s true That who is what and what is who.” —Frosty the Bear
- “What will help you get through Wednesday? “A big smile, a few laughs, and a large coffee!”
- “Today is Wellness Wednesday. Take care of yourself, rest, and avoid working out so much.”
- “On Wednesdays, we should go back to our childhood and enjoy our love of recess.”
- “Wednesday comes together to save you from the Wednesday depression and get you through to Friday.”
- “Today is Wednesday!” I can breathe. I’m okay. “I am grateful for this day.”
- “Today is Work Out Wednesday. Try hard to change things in your life.
- “On a Wednesday, nothing will cheer you up like an enjoyable cup of coffee and a funny meme.”
- You can finally say “it’s practically the holiday” on Wednesday without sounding crazy.
- “Now that Tuesday is over, we can see Wednesday. Let’s get through today!”
- “It’s time to face the world!” Take it easy on Wednesday by taking it one cup of coffee at a time.
- “Today is Walk Tall Wednesday. Stand tall and keep your head up. Don’t blend into the background today. Believe in yourself.
- Let’s take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come this week on this fine Wednesday.
- “What a great day to show how powerful you truly are and remind yourselves that you’re a force to be reckoned with!”
Also read: Funny Positive Affirmations
Humor Wednesday Quotes
- “Does Wednesday have to be an undesirable day?” “Think about them as little Friday nights!”
- “Except for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Wednesday is the nicest day of the work week!”

- “Let’s not celebrate on Friday, let’s party on Wednesday alternatively!”
- “Wednesday is like a roller coaster, although there are more lows than highs.” — unknown
- “Weekdays may not be good for me, but when they are, it’s because I thought to bring snacks.”
- “Everything concerning Wednesdays is the same as Mondays, but with a better mood and stronger coffee.”
- “Monday may have attempted to take out us, but Wednesday is here to save the day!”
- It’s not Wednesday morning that you notice, it’s the middle child of the week. They have a lot of twists.”
- “A good hair day on Wednesday is like an enjoyable hair day: it’s rare and much appreciated.”
- “Every Wednesday, I took pride in being sarcastic.”
- “All right!” I did it on Monday and Tuesday. I’d like to skip to Friday.”
- “It’s Wednesday today, meaning that the following day is early Friday, and the next day is Friday.” That’s pretty much Friday.”
- “A fact of life: the timetable even says W T F after Monday and Tuesday…”
These Wednesday quotes can add a touch of humor to your Wednesday and help you push through the rest of the week with a smile.
Wednesday Quotes For Work
- “I really don’t have an excuse to complain about my job.” Some days at work you’ll think, “Oh, I see, it’s Wednesday.” I’m lucky, though. “I love what I do.” Thanks, John David Campbell
- “By Wednesday, it’s simple to complain about work.” Still, you’re making money and having a life.
- “Tomorrow is the height of the workweek, but at least we’re halfway to the peak of the weekend!”
- “Wednesday is an opportunity to start over and get excited about work again.” — unknown
- “Be happy, my friend! Everyone needs to remember that Wednesday morning is only one day away from retirement.
- “Wednesday is the wonderful day when happiness and motivation meet and make you work a lot!”
- It’s “Work Hard Wednesday” today. Today, Wednesday, tell yourself that all your hard work will pay off. Do your best all the time. Today, don’t just put in your best effort in everything you do. Try to work hard every day and see what a difference it makes.
- “Happy Wednesday!” Let’s go after this Wednesday like a deer or a cat on a hot day!” — unknown
- Your boss should be wondering if you’re really a superhero today.
- “Go big or go home this Wednesday!” But if you can, do well at your job and then go home.
- “It’s Wednesday, and you’re prepared to crush it.” So go in advance and make it happen!”
Wednesday Wisdom Quotes
Wednesday isn’t just any day; it’s a new day full of chances. It’s time to stop, think, and try to understand more deeply. Wednesday wisdom quotes are like pearls of knowledge: it gives us useful information. These thoughtful Wednesday quotes can show us the way and give us good ideas and lessons for the rest of the week.
- “Today could be a hump every day or a day to treasure.””You make the choice.”
- “Every Wednesday is like a piñata: you must cut through the thick shell to get to the fruit inside.”
- “Today is Wednesday—the day when we turn unattainable deadlines into possible wins!”
- “In the middle of the month, Wednesdays serve as speed bumps.”
- “Almost there, but not very exciting yet. “Let’s do Wednesday right!”
- “Today is Wednesday!” I can breathe. I’m okay. “Thank you for giving me this day.”
- “Today is a great day for letting out your inner hustle…”As if to let something out.
- It’s a lot like the morning of Monday, but Wednesday is in the midst of the week, so you’re not as fresh.
- “Keep your head straight and drink a lot of coffee.” Even though it’s only Wednesday, we’ve got this!”
- “Thankful it’s Wednesday!” The little things you need to do this weekend to reach the finish line!”
Wacky Wednesday Quotes
- “I love how crazy work may be on Wednesdays.”
- “Have a crazy Wednesday afternoon!”
- “We wear pink each Wednesday.” – Bad Girls
- “Having a crazy Wednesday!” “Do you recall to laugh and brighten every once in a while.”
- “Wait, that’s Thursday. Every Wednesday, I wear pink. “Every Wednesday, I wear a brave face.”
- “Happy Wednesday!”The blues of the middle of the week should go away with a happy dance.
- “I’d rather consider Wednesday as ‘we-getting-there’ day compared to ‘hump day.'”
- “You have to be kind of strange to rule Wednesdays.”
- “Happy Wednesday!”Have a great day! Monday will wish it was today.
- “Today is Wednesday, meaning that we can wear trousers to work and say it’s the spirit of the day.”
- “Wednesday: the conclusion of the workweek and the beginning of the weekend.”
- “Every Wednesday, we dress pink…” or shorts, your choice.
Winning Wednesday quotes to keep you going
In the routine of the workweek, Wednesday may be a turning point—a time to check in on our progress and make changes to our plans to reach our goals. Winning Wednesday quotes aren’t just about enjoying wins; they’re also about keeping our eyes on our goals with determination.
- “Charge by means of your Wednesday with the heart of the winner and the tenacity of a victor.”
- “Harness the energy of Wednesday to create success in every endeavor.”
- “Let every moment of Wednesday chart your course to celebrate triumphs.”
- “Winning isn’t only during the weekend: celebrate your Wednesday victories.”
- You are the shooter, Wednesday is the bow, and your goals are the targets. Aim right.”
- “Take on the midweek mindset: master challenges and collect achievements.”
- “Rise winning heights this Wednesday with each step made on purpose.”
- “Wednesday: It’s almost the weekend! Have a great day!”
- “Wednesday wins, whisper thoughts of wisdom: stay on track, and the week is yours.”
- “Transform wednesday motions into winning forces that carry you forward.”
- “With a winning Midweek attitude, every obstacle turns into a chance.”
- “Victory belongs to people who believe in the beauty of their Wednesday efforts.”
Why Do People Call Wednesday Hump Day: The reason
That Wednesday is “hump day” has been known since before the 1950s.
Some people call Wednesday “hump day” because it’s the middle of the week and you need to get past it to get to the weekend.
Lots of people started calling Wednesday “hump day” after the famous camel GEICO ad. This started in September 2013.
How to Use Wednesday Quotes in Your Everyday Life
Wednesday quotes can give us strength in our daily lives, but only if we let them change the way we think and act. It’s what we do with these words that moves us beyond just being inspired. How can we make Wednesday knowledge a regular part of our lives?
It takes work, determination, and a little creativity. Here are some useful ways to use these inspiring wednesday quotes in your daily life and at work:
- Put them somewhere you can see them, like on your desk, in your locker, or on the mirror in your bathroom at home.
- Help your friends get through the week by giving them these.
- Ask someone to email them to you or show them to you.
- You can post them on social media and tag your family and friends.
Last Thoughts on funny Wednesday quotes ……
These funny Wednesday quotes should make you feel better.Think about how strong these funny Wednesday quotes can be. It was their advice that led us to safety, made us laugh, and gave us strength.Each funny Wednesday quote tells us a story, teaches us something, or shows us something different.
It can be dull in the middle of the week, but funny Wednesday quotes can cheer you up. You should always check in with yourself and make a plan for how to make your week better every Wednesday.
Funny Wednesday quotes can make your day and the workweek more fun. On the web, on social media, or you can make your own.
So,Take care of yourself and cheer up.
Faqs on Funny Wednesday Quotes
Q.What are funny Wednesday quotes?
A: A funny Wednesday quote is a dumb line or saying that makes you laugh and feel better in the middle of the week. The fact that it’s Wednesday, at the beginning of the workweek, is often made fun of, and the jokes are meant to make the day better.
Q. What is the best line on funny Wednesday quotes?
A: The best line is personal, but funny Wednesday quotes usually have a message of inspiration, humor, or wisdom to get you through the middle of the week, like “Halfway to the weekend, let your spirit shine!”
Q.Where can I find funny quotes for Wednesday?
A: There are lots of places to find funny Wednesday quotes, such as websites, social media, and collections of quotes. There are often sections of websites that are only for funny things or groups of quotes that are only for Wednesday quotes. On social networking sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter, you can also find funny quotes that other people have shared.
Q.How can funny Wednesday quotes make my day better?
A: Reading funny Wednesday quotes can make you feel better, make you laugh, and make your day more fun. It is known that laughing can reduce stress, make people happier, and help them get more done. Putting funny quotes on your Wednesday can make the day more fun and make you smile all week.
Q.Can I share funny Wednesday quotes with other people?
A: Of course! These funny Wednesday quotes are meant to make you laugh and smile. You can share them on social networks, with your friends and coworkers, or both. You can use them as subject lines for emails, group talks, or posts about Wednesday.
Q.Are funny Wednesday quotes appropriate for the office?
A: It depends on your job and how your company works. Funny Wednesday quotes are a great way to boost mood at work places that like to have fun and be funny. But before you share the quotes, you should think about whether they are appropriate for work and the circumstances in general.
Q: Can I create my own funny Wednesday quotes?
A: Of course! You can come up with your own funny Wednesday quotes if you’re clever and funny. Wed. is a good day to play with words, tell jokes, or think of funny things to say. You can make these lines more personal and funny by adding your own ideas to them.