Of course, as a single woman you’ll dream about the man you want to marry one day. Though we can’t choose when or how we’ll meet our life partner, prayer can help us get ready. A great way to give this part of your life to God and ask Him to work in both of your lives is to pray for your future husband. While you wait for the right time, these prayers for my future husband can help you be patient, wise, and trusting. Making time to pray for your future husband can make a huge difference, no matter how long you’ve been thinking about him or how new you are to the idea of marriage.
You can read these prayers, but I’d also like you to write them down in your own words in a journal, diary, paper, or any other way that works for you. After 14 days, you can put those little prayers in a special chest or box. Then give them to your husband on your wedding day. He can read them when he’s feeling down. He’ll love these girls a lot. You can always remember these thoughts! We want them in your own words, though, so we know they come from you and the Lord. Are you ready to begin?! Good job! Thanks again for coming! Thank you.
Why should I prayers for My Future Husband?
Praying for your future husband can have several benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider praying for your future husband:

- Cultivate patience and trust: Praying for your future husband can help you cultivate patience and trust in God’s timing and plan for your life.
- Prepare your heart: Praying for your future husband can prepare your heart and mind for the relationship, helping you to focus on the qualities and characteristics you want in a partner.
- Shape your future spouse: Praying for your future husband can shape him into the person God wants him to be, making him a better partner for you.
- Invite God’s guidance: Praying for your future husband invites God’s guidance and wisdom into your life, helping you make decisions and navigate the ups and downs of relationships.
- Nurture a spirit of gratitude: Praying for your future husband can nurture a spirit of gratitude and appreciation for the person God has planned for you.
- Transform your own heart: Praying for your future husband can also transform your own heart, making you a better person and partner.
Overall, prayers for my future husband is a powerful way to invite God into your life, to trust in His plan, and to prepare your heart for the relationship that is to come.
Here are the steps i simplified for you to prayers for my future husband :
As the first step, you should pray for your future husband for 14 days.
Step 2: We want you to read it.
Step 3: Say a prayer over it, and
Step 4: Write it down or say it out loud in your own words.
Step 5: Write down all of your prayers and save them for your vacation. On your vacation, say one prayer with your husband every day. It will make it even more lovely. 😉
It doesn’t have to end after the 14th prayer, though. This two-week trip is just the beginning for you! You can still pray everyday, like before bed, while you’re sitting in the living room, while you do the dishes, etc., after Prayers for our Future Husbands is over. Just pray whenever you remember!
We hope you will pray with us for two weeks. The women who are going to get married need it!
For God and family,
“Anna,” Christy, Lisa, Sarah, and Sarah
Day 1 Prayers for my future husband

Lord, You know who my future husband will be, not me. So I trust you with both my life and his. This weekend, Lord, I want to pray for my future husband. Have a great weekend, please! Help him have fun with his family and friends. Let him rest and relax after a busy week. Help him keep his eyes on you and understand your presence in a new way. I pray that he can understand his options and pick the best things for his plans this weekend. Help him show his friends how to be a good person this weekend. Lord, may everything he does show how much he loves you, and may he bring you honor. Help him understand that you care about and love him. Thank you, Lord. I love you and want to respect you and my future husband.
Day 2 Prayers for my future husband
Lord, please give my future husband friends today as a gift. Please find him godly friends and teachers who will encourage him to become more godly. In particular, I pray that he will be able to look up to godly guys. I pray that You give him friends his own age who are also looking for You. Please help him be with people who will bring him closer to You, not farther away from You. Also, please make friends for him that will make him laugh and be happy.
Day 3 Prayers for my future husband
Dear God, please make my future husband see clearly today. Please give him a clear picture of what you want his life to be like. You are the only one who knows what you want to do through him and what his life will be like. Every day, please remind him of that picture. Help him trust that you are his only source of power and move forward with confidence. God, I beg you to help him love you more than anything else, to run after you and look for you with all his heart. I beg you to give him the kind of fire and pure bravery that can only come from you.
Day 4 Prayers for my future husband
Oh my God,
Help the man I’m going to marry work hard. May he work to make you look good. Help him be honest in work and in his personal life. It doesn’t matter what size something is. Every day, including right now, help him make smart decisions that will make you look good. Make him honest and strong so he can stand up for what’s right. Amen.
Day 5: Prayers for my future husband
Lord, I pray that my future husband will learn how to be a good leader through the things he does every day. I pray he learns what it takes to be a good husband and father to his wife and children. He should learn to be honest, have a strong mind, and most of all, love. May he learn to stand up for what he believes in and not give up or follow the crowd. I know that to be a leader, you need to be brave and humble, strong but humble, wise beyond his years but gentle. I pray that he learns all of these things and more before he takes over as family head. May his day be filled with peace and happiness. May he walk in truth and kindness and be filled with Your Holy Spirit. Lord, thank you for him! I don’t know who he is, where he is, or what he’s doing right now, but I pray that you will always be happy with him. Today, let him laugh and have fun. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Day 6 Prayers for my future husband
Oh my God, I pray that You will bless my future husband as he tries to figure out life’s mysteries. Let him know that you know everything because you wrote everything. Lord, help my husband not be scared of the replies; instead, let him know that everything works out for the best. Lord, teach him to seek the truth with all his heart, but also help him understand that he might not be able to find all the answers here on earth. And when there is no answer on this side of heaven, Lord, show him how to have faith in You.
Yes. ~Sarah
Day 7. Prayers for My Future Husband
Oh my God,
Help the man I’m going to marry to love it, too. Every day, help him study and learn from it. Help him understand what he reads and teach him well so that one day he can teach and lead our family. You should help him think about it all the time and not only hear it, but also do what you tell him to do in it. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Day 8 Prayers for my future husband
God, please make my future husband strong and smart today. Please give him the strength to resist all the lures that are all around him. Feel free to let him know you’re always there for him and help him in his fights. Every day, help him get stronger in you. Help him make smart choices right now in his life. In everything, please let him look to you for advice. Also, please make today great for him.
Thanks a lot for everything you’ve done, are doing, and will do for him.
Day 9 Prayers for my future husband
Lord, bless the Sunday of my future husband. Let him rest and be at peace today when he hears your word. Lord, I pray that he will love his family and want to start his own when he gets married. I hope that his heart is kind to kids and that he is soft, gentle, and caring. Show him the skills that will make him a great dad. Now is the time to teach him so that he will be a great dad. Give him great leadership skills and a desire to help his family. Help him understand how important this job is and accept his calling as a future husband and father.
Thank you, God..amen.
Day 10 Prayers for my future husband
Please forgive me. I pray that You will make my future husband humble enough to ask for help when he needs it. He shouldn’t have to deal with his problems alone. Instead, teach him how to ask for help when he needs it. When he is fighting his sins, which I know he will, please show him that it is worth the temporary shame to ask for help if it means beating his vices.
Day 11 Prayers for my future husband
Oh my God,
Please help my future husband be a good leader now and in the future, no matter what role you give him. May everything he does, from our home to his job to church and more, bring glory and honor to you. May the people around him see you in him and want to get to know you. God, help him lead our family in a good way, especially in our home. He needs to be wise and smart, and he needs help making any tough choices that may come up. Thank you, God. Amen
Day 12 Prayers for my future husband
Lord, please give my future husband joy and happiness today. Let his heart be happy and free of worry. Keep him up and don’t let the bad things in life bring him down. Let him enjoy today and every day to the fullest! People should be able to hear and see him laugh. Let him bring happiness to everyone around him. I pray that his family will support and promote him so that he can do the same for other people. Let the clouds of sadness and fear pass over him and see how happy he is. Please give him peace and happiness so that he can fully experience how good you are, Jesus. Thank you, God! Amen.
13th day
Day 14 Prayers for my future husband
I pray that you will give my future husband a heart that loves and cares for each other. He should learn how to be a good mate while he is still single. Help him care about other people and want to help them. He needs to learn how to help people who are hurting. Show him kindness. Tell him how to make me feel better when I’m upset or worried. Tell him what to say to make me feel better. To make sure he never feels alone, Lord, please give him loved family and friends. Today, bless his day and make him happy and loved. Thank you, God. Amen.
Lord, I pray that my future spouse will possess strength. Help him stand up to the tricks and bad things in this world. Lord, I pray that he will be strong enough to handle anything life throws at him with You by his side. Give him a good heart, a strong spirit, and a strong desire to be holy. He is called to be a Christian leader in the 21st century. Let him know how much of an impact he has on other people. Jesus, give him a strong desire to do what is right and a healthy fear of you, God. Lord, thank you for him. Thank you for him, no matter who he is or where he is. I give up my thoughts, questions, fears, and worries about the man I will marry. Please take charge of my love life, Lord. I give it to You. Be the King of my heart, my hope, and all my dreams. I love you, Christ. Dear God, thank you for everything you do in my life and the life of my Next Love.
Ladies, today was the last day of our journey of praying for our future husbands. Welcome and thanks for following along! pray. I hope you had as much fun as I did! Thanks again for being here. Happy
Last thoughts on prayers for my husband
Prayer for my future husband is the most important thing we can do for them. We can trust that God has someone special planned for each of us, even if we don’t know who it is or when it will happen. When we give our future marriages over to the Lord, we can rest easy knowing that He is making everything work out for our good.
Today, we pray for your future husbands. These prayers for my future husband will not only bless them, but they will also get our hearts ready for the beautiful relationships God wants to build. When we ask Him to make our future husbands into the men He made them to be, He will change us too and get us ready for marriage.
Faqs on prayers for my future husband
1. Why should I pray for the man I’ll marry?
You can learn to be patient, trust, and believe in God’s plan for your relationship by praying for your future husband. It lets you ask for help picking the right partner and for gifts in his life to help him grow in love, faith, and character.
2. “What should I pray for my future husband?”
You can pray for many things, such as: – His relationship with God (spiritual growth and hope).
- His safety and well-being.
- His physical, mental, and social health.
- His smarts and ability to make choices.
He was honest and had good character.
- What he did to get ready to be a loving and helpful husband.
3. If I don’t know my future husband yet, can I pray for him?
Without a doubt! It takes faith and love to pray for him before you even know who he is. In this way, you show that you believe God’s timing and want to honor the person you will marry.
4. How do I pray for the man I’m going to marry?
There isn’t a right or wrong way to pray. You can pray from the heart, say what’s on your mind, or look to the Bible for help. Here are a few examples:
- Praying for his safety, health, and happiness.
- Asking God to get you both ready to get married.
- Want to know how to make your relationship stronger and how to grow in love together?
- You should thank God for the man He will bring into your life.
5. Can I ask God to make my future husband have certain traits?
You can, of course. A lot of people ask for certain traits in a spouse, like someone who is kind, loyal, strong-willed, or a leader. But it’s important to remember that God has bigger plans for you than your own, and He knows what you really need in a partner.
6. Should I pray for the spiritual and mental growth of my future husband?
Yes, it is very important to pray for your future husband’s mental and spiritual growth. You can build a stronger base for your future relationship by asking God to make him stronger mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
7. Can I pray that God will help me meet my future husband at the right time?
You can, of course. A great way to show that you accept God’s plan for your life is to pray for His perfect timing. When you seek God’s will, your wants become in line with His, and you know that He will bring the right person into your life at the right time.
8.“Should I pray for patience while I wait for my future husband?”
It is important to pray for patience and happiness while you wait. As you wait for the right person to come into your life, trusting that He will do it at the right time can help you stay calm and positive.
9. “Can I pray for my future husband even when I’m sad or lonely?”
In times of loneliness or hopelessness, yes, prayer is an act of faith. God is always with you, even when you don’t feel His presence. This can bring you comfort, peace, and hope. Believe that God has a plan for you.
10. What Bible texts should I pray over my ideal husband?
You can use these Bible texts in your prayers:
Proverbs 31:10–12**: “Who can find a wife of good character? It’s not even close to how much she’s worth. Her husband has full faith in her and thinks she has everything she needs.
- 5:25: “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”
- 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
- Psalm 112:1-2 “Blessed are those who fear the Lord and take great pleasure in following His rules.” Their children will rule the land with power, and the age of good people will be blessed.
11. How often should I pray for my future husband?
There’s no hard and fast rule. You can pray every day, once a week, or whenever you feel like it. You can stay close to God and in touch with His will for your life by praying every day.
As you wait for your future husband, these prayers can help you feel calm, clear, and sure of yourself.